Interim Management im Bankenbereich
Beratungsleistungen bei Restrukturierung und Finanzierung internationaler Immobilientransaktionen
Interim Management:

We provide Interim Management Services for business-related projects in the Financial Community. We advise and conduct change management processes, analyzing, redefining and implementing new business processes.

The partner Matthias Krah who provides these services held various senior positions in Corporate Banking, both in Germany and abroad. He is fluent in German, English and Spanish.

For more information on the services, please contact us.

Real Estate Advisory:

Our partners have profound knowledge in Corporate Banking, Investment Banking and Real Estate Industry. Asset advice excellence leverages their experience to assist clients in terms of:

• Advice on all types of corporate real estate transactions
• Active marketing measures for selling/purchasing, including real estate portfolios
• Advice on funding and evaluating efficient equity/debt structure
• Connecting people: extensive contacts to banks, investors and funds

Who we are?

All partners have worked for many years in investment and corporate banking, are specialized in equity and debt capital markets and real estate financing and have advanced experience in international project management.

Our partners held various senior positions and now work independently providing asset advice on know-how leveraging according to clients needs.

For more information and CVs, please contact us.

Contact: Asset Advice | Charlottenstraße 35/36 | D 10117 Berlin | Telefon: +49 30 54 73 48 34 | Telefax: + 49 30 54 73 48 35 | E-Mail:
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